One of the attractive beaches near Yogyakarta is Parangtritis. It is located about 27 km. from Yogyakarta, Parangtritis may be reached in two ways, through Kretek Village or the longer one but more well - established road through Imogiri and Siluk Village. Parangtritis Beach is a lovely beach with many impressing phenomena, naturally and supra naturally. The waves regularly bring in new wood and bamboo, washing ashore from another nearby beach probably. Some wood is picked and taken away by locals to be used for their own house. Parangtritis is an enchanting sloping beach combined with rocky hills, dunes, and a white sandy beach. Besides being famous as a recreational spot. Parangtritis is also a sacred place. Many people come to the beach to do meditation. Up to now, this area is remaining functioned as the place to perform the traditional ceremony called labuhan. Many hotels and restaurants are available for sunbathe lovers.
Well, ATVs may only be suitable for those who are more adventurous. Another option is the carriage. Walking along the sand surface that is smoothly swept by the wave with two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage is no less enjoyable. The carriage will bring us to the end of the east coast of Parangtritis Beach where the cluster of rocks that is so beautiful , so it is often used as the spot of a pre-wedding photo shoot. The dim twilight and golden shade of the sun on the water surface more raise a romantic atmosphere.
Parangtritis Beach also offers the excitement for those who travel with family. Kite-flying with your child is also enjoyable. The strong sea breeze is very helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you've never played a kite.
Still reluctant for going home even though the sun had set? Soon, some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach where we can hang out there until late at night. Still do not want to go home? Do not worry, in Parangtritis Beach, there are tens of inns and accommodations available at an affordable price.
The Queen of The South Resort, Parangtritis has been a favorite retreat from Jogja City, and long a favorite stop over at Parangtritis Beach given its incredible views and location
Booking Hotel Near Parangtritis
tags : Queen of The South Resort, Parangtritis
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