Shopping Leather Area at Manding Yogyakarta

Location :
Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Manding Sabdodadi , Bantul

Manding village located at Jl. Parangtritis km 11, or exactly on Jl. DR Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Manding, Sabdodadi, Bantul, about 15 km from the center of Yogyakarta city south toward Parangtritis. Access to Manding easy because Parangtritis Street is traversed by many public vehicles such as buses. Or if driving a private vehicle, then a trip to Manding will be easier. Various kinds of handicrafts export quality leather Manding famous among other shoes, jacket and slippers.

Manding region is populated by rows of showroom which there are about 40. Showroom showroom sells a variety of leather products to empower local people as workers. Each showroom typically employ a number of employees so that they can serve customers with maximum. Showroom in Manding area is open every day from morning till night. Because of the distance antarshowroom adjacent, then you can visit all the showroom by just walking.

Leather craft products produced by the Manding region is like a jacket, shoes, sandals, bags, belts, wallets, and other leather accessories such as frames and key chains. Most products Manding derived from cowhide and still produced in the home. To purchase items, you can make the process of bargaining for goods sold in this Manding negotiable mostly cheaper again.
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